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Tuesday 8 October 2013

The mechanical action of rollers

The mechanical action of rollers combined with the pulsating vacuum is actively working on the body; between the rollers is a suction chamber which generates a pulsating vacuum. As a result, the procedures systematically produced, fabric moving to a new metabolic rate when increasing the burning of fat. The main problems that solves LPG-massage:

• fat deposits in all areas of the body;

• wrinkles and sagging skin;

 • cellulite;

• stretch marks;

• Scarring, swelling.

 Quite often in the offices of LPG-massage treated patients, whose figure - almost perfect, but there is absolutely no major weaknesses, which, alas, cannot be removed sports or want to resolve this issue quickly. For example, a small pouch in the abdomen in women after childbirth, which is not easily undone, shaking press even 24 hours a day, sagging skin on the hands of mature ladies and streamers in women. LPG-massage - not a cure! Forget about diets and sports forever you will still fail.

Apparatus for carrying out the procedures are constantly being improved and manufactured by different companies. The most authoritative in this respect, is a French company LPG, whose products are distributed in Europe and in Russia as well. The average duration of a massage treatment is about 35-40 minutes. See the results after the first session is unrealistic - at least, talk about it experts in this field. In order to achieve visible results, a course of 15-20 sessions.

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