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Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Regularly consuming chocolate

Regularly consuming chocolate, we are simultaneously present in the order of the heart rate and strengthen blood vessels. By the way, the German sexologists recommend that men refuse to Viagra in favor of chocolate, which effectively improves potency.

Judge: Casanova never gave up chocolate, including its causative agent of erotic sensations, and modern scientists were able to prove the "sexuality" of chocolate on a biochemical level. Another historical example is the Aztec ruler Montezuma, who before visiting his harem sure to drink at least liters of hot chocolate.

Before visiting the chocolate wrapping session in the spa complex is recommend to eat a chocolate bar, so that during the two-hour procedure you will not be run because of the tempting smell of salivating compared with black cosmetic or chocolate milk chocolate not inherent flavor. Yes and why they are needed, when the body requires only useful substances.

Chocolate mass anti-cellulite body wraps, body wraps for sensitive skin and chocolate mask - depending on the spa treatments corresponding to the selected chocolate mass. For example, for anti-cellulite body wraps use a mixture of chocolate powder, cocoa beans, seaweed and cocoa butter. Cellulite treatment also includes coffee, and chocolate.

Speaking of chocolate masks, then they use lanolin and lecithin powder, cocoa beans, and wheat germ oil, chocolate mass for sensitive skin often contain oil chestnut extract and shea butter.

For more articles about cellulite:

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