This nuisance is also associated with hormonal imbalances (especially estrogen) with lymphatic by joey atlas scam congestion and accumulation of waste products in some parts of the body. Their currency rates who want to get rid of cellulite, in addition to the emotional inventory and diet, which regulates all ten of metabolic hormones, very enthusiastically recommend the exercises "merger of fire and water"and "root awakening" because I do not know of a more efficient and faster means to detoxify the lymph
Now is the time more than ideal to learn the exercises and begin to implement them as well. The first workout for strong activation of acupressure points and glands opens the face and body, and emotions and blockages are released and freed. So we work on the subtle channels, due to their confinement is produced in the form of jam cellulite; also and above all of this is to activate / train if you want to
How to tackle work? Stand, feet should be hip-width, stretch all the muscles of the body, lift the corners of the mouth, the tongue touch the sky. Two fingers below the navel, according to Chinese medicine is one of the most important points on the body: CV 6 - "sea power".
Start massaging you (best to do this in a clockwise direction) to be "knocked down dams" - which means that the water in your body will no longer be stagnant or will not accumulate cellulite. It will also strengthen the immune system, the bladder, reproductive and exclusion authorities.
When you feel that you have enough of massage and you create flow: Raise your arms ahead, squeeze hands in fists - which should be equal to the forehead, elbows should be together; chin toward your neck and tilt the head slightly down, take a deep breath, and then start concentrate on the opening arms, chest, push forward as much as possible.
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